Rita Ora, e kuqe dhe e lumtur

E publikuar: 07/08/2015 13:03
Rreshtat+- AShkronjat+- Printo

Më në fund Rita Ora është sërish në qendër të medias për muzikën që bën.

Hiti i saj i fundit “Body on me”, një bashkëpunim me Chris Brown, pritet të jetë një sukses.

Këngëtarja shqiptare u fotografua në rrugët e Los Angeles.


One dress outfit: The blonde showed off her legs and cleavage in the jacket outfitBusty: She displayed her ample assets with a bralet beneath her plunging jacketWorking hard: Rita explained that the new single release had been a long time coming, and a battleQuick wave: The international starlet has quite literally not stopped in recent weeksTransatlantic: It's sure to earn her new recognition from overseasStaying Stateside: Despite her commitments to the UK with the X Factor, Rita is staying Stateside for her music careerCelebrating: Rita was dolled up in gold accessories to complete the look