Përplaset me pëllumbin, humb jetën

E publikuar: 03/09/2016 18:29
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STIAN_ Ashar Niazi_IMAGE001 A DAD-OF-TWO died after being thrown from his motorbike when he hit a pigeon. Ashar Niazi was riding his £19,000 Yamaha R1M superbike with three friends on a 60-mile ride from south London to Seaford in East Sussex when the accident happened. The 35-year-old was riding in front of his three friends when he hit the pigeon on the A22 as he travelled through the village of Godstone in Surrey – just 10 miles from where he set off. His friend Nav Shah, who was riding behind Mr Niazi – known to pals as Ash – said he saw a cloud of feathers in the air as he took a bend and then saw his friend’s smashed up motorbike lying by the side of the road. STIAN ALEXANDER 07528 679198

Një burrë i cili po udhëtonte me një motor tip Yamaha R1M, që kushton 19 mijë paund, humbi jetën aksidentalisht.

Burri i quajtur Ashar Niazi po udhëtonte nga jugu i Londrës për në Susses. Kur mori një kthesë, miku i tij pa në ajër një grumbull të madh puplash që u shpërndanë njësoj sikur të ishte hapur një jastëk me pupla.

Kur u kthye pa mikun e tij të shtrirë në anë të rrugës. Babai i dy fëmijëve u gjet pa ndjenja për të humbur jetën më pas.

Miku i tij tha se aksidenti fatal mund të jetë shkaktuar nga një pëllumb, i cili ka qenë duke flutur poshtë kur është futur në rrotat e motorit çka mund të ketë shkaktuar më pas aksidentin. Burri punonte si inxhinier.

STIAN_ Ashar Niazi2_IMAGE002 A DAD-OF-TWO died after being thrown from his motorbike when he hit a pigeon. Ashar Niazi was riding his £19,000 Yamaha R1M superbike with three friends on a 60-mile ride from south London to Seaford in East Sussex when the accident happened. The 35-year-old was riding in front of his three friends when he hit the pigeon on the A22 as he travelled through the village of Godstone in Surrey - just 10 miles from where he set off. His friend Nav Shah, who was riding behind Mr Niazi - known to pals as Ash - said he saw a cloud of feathers in the air as he took a bend and then saw his friend's smashed up motorbike lying by the side of the road. STIAN ALEXANDER 07528 679198
STIAN_ Ashar Niazi2_IMAGE002 A DAD-OF-TWO died after being thrown from his motorbike when he hit a pigeon. Ashar Niazi was riding his £19,000 Yamaha R1M superbike with three friends on a 60-mile ride from south London to Seaford in East Sussex when the accident happened. The 35-year-old was riding in front of his three friends when he hit the pigeon on the A22 as he travelled through the village of Godstone in Surrey – just 10 miles from where he set off. His friend Nav Shah, who was riding behind Mr Niazi – known to pals as Ash – said he saw a cloud of feathers in the air as he took a bend and then saw his friend’s smashed up motorbike lying by the side of the road. STIAN ALEXANDER 07528 679198