Putin’s human catastrophe/With the official decision it is being planned the disappearance of the identities of dead Russian soldiers in Ukraine (Document)

E publikuar: 15/03/2022 14:31
Rreshtat+- AShkronjat+- Printo

World televisions, reporters, photographers and journalists from all over the world are following the situation from the current world headline of 20 days now – The war in Ukraine.

Through direct connection of tv stories, it is being attempted to present the situation that is prevailing there,reports infosot.com.

In addition to reports on the current situation of cities, villages, civilians and any other details of what the war brings to a country, it has also been reported about  the situation of the soldiers from both countries Ukraine and also Russia. Even for Russia, the conditions with which the Russian army is being held and fighting are often questioned, where in general what has been shown is that they are not being treated properly even by the way of feeding, excluding the fact that most of Russian Soldiers are young, some of whom are not even 20 years old.

In addition, infosot.com has managed to obtain a document signed by Russian Defense Minister,Sergei Shoigu, which states that the fighters who will die during the fighting will lose their identity and will be buried in Ukrainian lands, and will only be known as numbers in mass graves.

In the document provided by infosot.com, it is clear that the decision is valid from February 24, when also Russian President Vladimir Putin said that there was no war but only “Special Rescue Operations”, which it means  that the Russian state has planned the beginning of the war from that date.

Among other things, this document signed by the Minister of Defense of Russia, shows how Russian soldiers, in case of death in Ukraine will not be buried with high honors in their country, but will be buried in massive pits and also appropriating them only as numbers , for example : Cemetery no.1: with 250 soldiers; Cemetery no.2 with 340 soldiers and so on. And this will be known as “high honor” for the soldiers who lost their lives there.

“This is what the Russian command prepared for its soldiers.

  1. Putin ordered that all the qualities or features that would make the soldiers special must be removed (not be personalized).
  • In case of death in Ukraine, it was decided not to bury them with honors, but in mass graves and will be assigned with only one number.

Cemetery 1 – 250 soldiers

Cemetery 2 – 340 soldiers

13. For many, even such a burial would be an honor, as the last paragraph of the letter says that if it is problematic to get the body out of Ukraine, then the body  must be destroyed.

“ Surrender! ”, It is said, among other things, in the decision provided by infosot.com

This decision even allows the total destruction of the dead bodies and like that the State of Russia will give no Responsibility for them.

Always referring to the official document, it is seen that this decision came from the orders of Putin.

Any use of this document is prohibited by the editorial staff of infosot.com and those who disregard this decision will face punitive measures!