Hungari, 900 ushtarë nisin ndërtimin e murit anti-emigrant në kufi me Serbinë (Foto)

E publikuar: 17/07/2015 20:21
Rreshtat+- AShkronjat+- Printo

Ushtria hungareze ka filluar ndërtimin e murit në kufi me Serbinë për të penguar hyrjen e emigrantëve klandestinë. Njoftimi për nisjen e punimeve u dha dje nga Ministri i Mbrojtjes, Csaba Hende, i cili ka shpjeguar se për punimet, të cilat do të përfshijnë dhjetëra lokalitete, janë përkushtuar rreth 900 ushtarë dhe që ndërtimi do të përfundojë në 30 nëntor.

TOPSHOTS Local soldiers of the Hungarian Army's technical unit set the first elements of the 150 meters long metal fence at the Hungarian-Serbian border nearby Morahalom village on July 16, 2015. Defense Minister Csaba Hende said that 900 people would work simultaneously to install the fence which is planned to be 4 meters (13 feet) high along the 175-kilometer (109-mile) border between Hungary and Serbia. Over the last two years, Hungary has been one of the main routes for people hoping to cross into Austria and Germany, most coming from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Kosovo. Hungary's defense minister says that a fence on the border with Serbia to stem the flow of migrants and refugees will be built by Nov. 30.  AFP PHOTO / CSABA SEGESVARI

Muri anti-emigrant (një pjesë e të cilit do të ndërtohet edhe nga të dënuar të burgjeve hungareze), do të përshkruajë 175 kilometra të kufirit hungarezo-serb. Sipas Ministrit të Brendshëm, Sandor Pinter, nga 81.333 emigrantë të futur në mënyrë klandestine në vend që në fillim të vitit, rreth 80-mijë kanë arritur të kalojnë përmes kufirit me Serbinë.

Local soldiers of the Hungarian Army's technical unit set the first elements of the 150 meters long metal fence at the Hungarian-Serbian border nearby Morahalom village on July 16, 2015. Defense Minister Csaba Hende said that 900 people would work simultaneously to install the fence which is planned to be 4 meters (13 feet) high along the 175-kilometer (109-mile) border between Hungary and Serbia. Over the last two years, Hungary has been one of the main routes for people hoping to cross into Austria and Germany, most coming from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Kosovo. Hungary's defense minister says that a fence on the border with Serbia to stem the flow of migrants and refugees will be built by Nov. 30.  AFP PHOTO / CSABA SEGESVARI

Pintér ka nënvizuar që muri është një “ndërtim bashkëkohor”, i cili do të shkatërrohet nëse fluski i emigrantëve në vend do të kontrollohet. “Sidoqoftë, – ka nënvizuar ministri. – hyrja në vend do të lejohet përmes pikave të ligjshme kufitare dhe emigrantët që kanë të drejtë për azil do ta përfitojnë”.

Local soldiers of the Hungarian Army's technical unit set the first elements of the 150 meters long metal fence at the Hungarian-Serbian border nearby Morahalom village on July 16, 2015. Defense Minister Csaba Hende said that 900 people would work simultaneously to install the fence which is planned to be 4 meters (13 feet) high along the 175-kilometer (109-mile) border between Hungary and Serbia. Over the last two years, Hungary has been one of the main routes for people hoping to cross into Austria and Germany, most coming from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Kosovo. Hungary's defense minister says that a fence on the border with Serbia to stem the flow of migrants and refugees will be built by Nov. 30.  AFP PHOTO / CSABA SEGESVARI

Local soldiers of the Hungarian Army's technical unit set the first elements of the 150 meters long metal fence at the Hungarian-Serbian border nearby Morahalom village on July 16, 2015. Defense Minister Csaba Hende said that 900 people would work simultaneously to install the fence which is planned to be 4 meters (13 feet) high along the 175-kilometer (109-mile) border between Hungary and Serbia. Over the last two years, Hungary has been one of the main routes for people hoping to cross into Austria and Germany, most coming from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Kosovo. Hungary's defense minister says that a fence on the border with Serbia to stem the flow of migrants and refugees will be built by Nov. 30.  AFP PHOTO / CSABA SEGESVARI

Local soldiers of the Hungarian Army's technical unit set the first elements of the 150 meters long metal fence at the Hungarian-Serbian border nearby Morahalom village on July 16, 2015. Defense Minister Csaba Hende said that 900 people would work simultaneously to install the fence which is planned to be 4 meters (13 feet) high along the 175-kilometer (109-mile) border between Hungary and Serbia. Over the last two years, Hungary has been one of the main routes for people hoping to cross into Austria and Germany, most coming from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Kosovo. Hungary's defense minister says that a fence on the border with Serbia to stem the flow of migrants and refugees will be built by Nov. 30.  AFP PHOTO / CSABA SEGESVARI
