Serbët Grenellit për Thaçin: Kujdes nga gjarpri, binde të vijë në Beograd pas marrëveshjes

E publikuar: 20/01/2020 15:17
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I deleguari i presidentit Donald Trump në dialogun Kosovë – Serbi, Richard Grenell e ka falënderuar presidentin e Kosovës, Hashim Thaçin për siç ka thënë ai angazhimin e palëkundur që marrëveshja për rifillimin e fluturimeve komerciale në mes të Prishtinës dhe Beogradit të bëhet realitet, raporton Gazeta Express.

“Faleminderit për angazhimin tuaj të palëkundur për ta bërë këtë të mundur”, ka shkruar Richard Grenell në Twitter, derisa e ka publikuar shkrimin e presidentit Hashim Thaçi.


Richard Grenell@RichardGrenell

Thank you for your steadfast commitment to making this happen. …Hashim Thaçi@HashimThaciRKSI welcome the letter of intent b/w #Kosovo & @lufthansa to open an air route between #Prishtina & #Belgrade. This is an important step for the movement of citizens & normalization process. Grateful to Nat. Sec. Advisor O’Brien & @RichardGrenell for facilitating the process1815:15 AM – Jan 20, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy41 people are talking about this

Mirëpo, kjo ka ngritur pakënaqësi te serbët që i kanë shkruar Grenellit disa porosi për të parin e shtetit të Kosovës, Hashim Thaçin.

“Ky person është një terrorist i njohur”, shkruan një person.

Richard Grenell@RichardGrenell · 1h

Thank you for your steadfast commitment to making this happen. …Hashim Thaçi@HashimThaciRKSI welcome the letter of intent b/w #Kosovo & @lufthansa to open an air route between #Prishtina & #Belgrade. This is an important step for the movement of citizens & normalization process. Grateful to Nat. Sec. Advisor O’Brien & @RichardGrenell for facilitating the process

Colin Lionel Emm@ColinLionelEmm

The man is a known terrorist.25:17 AM – Jan 20, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacySee Colin Lionel Emm’s other Tweets

Dikush tjetër, ka kërkuar nga Grenell që ta bind Thaçin që të vizitojë Beogradin, duke ju refuar si gjarpër.

“Ambasadori Grenell, përpiquni ta bindni Thaçin aka gjarprin që të vijë në Beograd”, thotë ky person.

Richard Grenell@RichardGrenell · 1h

Thank you for your steadfast commitment to making this happen. …Hashim Thaçi@HashimThaciRKSI welcome the letter of intent b/w #Kosovo & @lufthansa to open an air route between #Prishtina & #Belgrade. This is an important step for the movement of citizens & normalization process. Grateful to Nat. Sec. Advisor O’Brien & @RichardGrenell for facilitating the process

Who are the Friends of Serbs?@FriendsOfSerbs

Ambassador Grenell, try to persuade Thaci aka Snake to come to Belgrade?

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15:27 AM – Jan 20, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacySee Who are the Friends of Serbs?’s other Tweets

Një tjetër kërkon nga Grenell që të ketë kujdes me ‘gjarprin’.

Richard Grenell@RichardGrenell · 1h

Thank you for your steadfast commitment to making this happen. …Hashim Thaçi@HashimThaciRKSI welcome the letter of intent b/w #Kosovo & @lufthansa to open an air route between #Prishtina & #Belgrade. This is an important step for the movement of citizens & normalization process. Grateful to Nat. Sec. Advisor O’Brien & @RichardGrenell for facilitating the process

Who are the Friends of Serbs?@FriendsOfSerbs

Ambassador Grenell be careful with “Snake”. …Who are the Friends of Serbs?@FriendsOfSerbsReplying to @EnemiesOFSerbsSlobodan Milosevic: On this photo clenched their hands together Wesley Clark, @HashimThaciRKS, Agim Ceku, (Bernard Kouchner) murderers & criminals, Michael Jackson. This photo symbolizes the alliance beetwen NATO & Kosovo Albanian terrorists.#NATOoccupation #NATOaggression19995:24 AM – Jan 20, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacySee Who are the Friends of Serbs?’s other Tweets

Gjithashtu, serbët i kanë shkruar Grenellit se Thaçi ishte një bashkëpunëtor i udhëheqësve terroristë të Kosovës, trafikant i organeve njerëzore dhe tregtar i drogës.

Richard Grenell@RichardGrenell · 1h

Thank you for your steadfast commitment to making this happen. …Hashim Thaçi@HashimThaciRKSI welcome the letter of intent b/w #Kosovo & @lufthansa to open an air route between #Prishtina & #Belgrade. This is an important step for the movement of citizens & normalization process. Grateful to Nat. Sec. Advisor O’Brien & @RichardGrenell for facilitating the process

Who are the Friends of Serbs?@FriendsOfSerbs

Ambassador Grenell thanks the killer, the organ dealer, the terrorist and the drug dealer. …Who are the Friends of Serbs?@FriendsOfSerbsReplying to @EnemiesOFSerbsSlobodan Milosevic: The Prosecutor ridicules the Battle of Kosovo and St. Vitus Day. The battle of Kosovo was battle for Serbia & for Europe. Western powers commited aggression against Yugoslavia and made alliance with Kosovo Albanian terrorists, killers, arsonists & drug mafia.25:43 AM – Jan 20, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacySee Who are the Friends of Serbs?’s other Tweets

Këto paknaqsi të serbëve vijnë pas marrëveshjes për hapjen e linjës ajrore Prishtinë – Beograd që nuk ka funksionuar që nga viti 1999.

Për ta jetësuar këtë marrëveshje, Serbia ka kërkuar nga Kosova që të heq taksën prej 100 për qind të vendosur për produktet serbe dhe boshnjake./GazetaExpress/